Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mega Yacht vs. Super Car

No sir, these are not concept drawings of a perfectly manly utopian future. Yes, this is real: Mega Yacht vs. Super Car. Well, not exactly versus here, the two are a pair. You can purchase them. Together. Got $17 Million. You're good! Here's some specs:

-The yacht is 122 feet long.

-The yacht has a normal top speed of 43 knots. That's about 50 mph.

-Get the Rolls Royce boosters on your yacht, and all of a sudden you're hitting 55 knots. The number cruncher says that's just about 65 mph

-The Rolls Royce boosters kick out 14,000 horses.

-The interior of the yacht is like you're living room, on art deco steroids. Its nice.

-The Super Car is cool too.

-It can go 233 mph, or roughly 203 knots.

-Its Twin Turbo V12 engine kicks out 880 horses.

-You can park the Super Car in/on the Mega Yacht. That's really cool.

-Both Mega Yacht and Super Car have bullet proof windows. I, for one, think that makes perfect sense.

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