Tuesday, October 12, 2010

ManCave of the Month: Rob Pederson

For more ManCave of the Month photos click here

When asked what prompted the genesis of his garage man cave, Rob Pederson of Louisville, Kentucky, cited two things. He said, "You can't always have a car to work on," and with a little bit more prodding he added, "My wife wouldn't let me have a room in the house."

It began with a lull in car restoration; Rob picked up an antique Texaco gaspump, and his ManCave grew from there. Over a span of 10-15 years, Rob has built an old-style gas station themed oasis, mostly through finds at swap meets and local gas stations. His cave centers around his first automobile restoration: A 1952 Chevy pickup that he bought from a farmer for $100 in the 70's. Rob's pickup shares the space with 8 other cars, accumulated over the years.

While Rob's ManCave is quite impressive, its not his ultimate goal. What's next? He plans to find a little spot in the country, and transplant his ManCave, recreating a '40's style gas station. It will be a little slice of nostalgia, where he can hang out, and work on his cars. If it all comes to fruition, he might have another ManCave of the Month in his future...

As our ManCave of the Month winner, Rob Pederson's cave will be featured here on the site for a month, and he'll receive a $50 ManCave Goodies Gift Certificate. Submit your ManCave in the forums for a chance to be the Next ManCave of the Month. We're looking for a few good caves!

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